Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Website Traffic Generation - How To Get More Traffic For Your Website - Business

There's a few ways to get more traffic to your website. For small businesses, or to test a few things on a website, we might send some traffic on our own to a certain website. After a while, when the numbers start to add up, we can decide whether or not to continue generating the traffic on our own, or outsourcing this aspect to professional companies or individuals. Lets have a look at a few outsourcing traffic generation tactics we can use once a business model is working.

Increase Website Traffic #1 TIp: Pay per click marketing such as ABC Search, Google, Yahoo, Miva can be outsourced to professional PPC companies. Naturally, it does cost to have a PPC company handle your campaigns for you, but if you're looking to target a chinese 1.6 billion audience with Baidu, and can't handle the chinese interface, then it might be a good idea to have a PPC company handle that for you. They have professional tie ups with PPC companies and could get the best rates for you and your keywords.

Increase Website Traffic #2 Tip: Forum marketing is as simple as having a link in your signature box and answering questions that forums goers might have. Its important to allow your signature link to show naturally, then allow it to be a ad. Once people respect your answers and assistance, they will be interested in your website and services. You can outsource forum answering to professional forum posters. They usually are from Philippines.

Increase Website Traffic #3 Tip: Offline advertising is perhaps the least used. The most effective way, I feel, is to hand out flyers that lead to a landing page with an incentive or benefit which makes it worthwhile for a visitor to provide you their contact details. This is usually an ecourse or preview of what you can offer. If your benefits are good enough, they will purchase your product.

Outsourcing is a very important part of expanding your internet business from 3 figures to 5 figures quickly. Once operations get larger, allow others to join your business and share a piece of your pie for greater profits!

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