Friday, March 23, 2012

7 Super Awesome Viral Marketing Tips - Marketing - Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is a very good way to increase traffic to your site and sometimes it's free. Here are 7 super awesome viral marketing tips for you.

1. Clone your advertisements all over the Internet by allowing your visitors to give your online freebies away. Just include your ad somewhere inside them. You could also start an affiliate program and pay people commissions to run your ads. You could also give your affiliates viral marketing tools to use like e-books or articles.

2. Allow people who do not have time to explore your site to download your web site in e-book format. This will allow them time to view it offline. Just compile it like you would a normal e-book. Turn it into a viral marketing tool by allowing people to give it away to others for free.

3. Hold a contest on your web site. Give other web sites the option of offering it to their visitors. This'll multiply your advertising all over the Internet. It would become a viral contest. Of course the contest must either be ongoing or held regularly so you could allow other online publishers to offer it to their visitors or subscribers.

4. Give away freebies with your ad copy included on them so others can give them away. It could be e-books, software, reports, autoresponders, web space, e-mail accounts, etc.

5. Publish testimonials for your free things. It would increase their value and if they're viral marketing tools, you'll have more people giving them away. Another tip is to give testimonials for other people's freebies. They might publish it on their web site. You can using include a link back to your web site too.

6. Write, or have someone else write, a small report with your ad included in it and allow others to give it away. For example, in your report say, "You have our permission to give this report away." Another example, "Give this report away to your visitors or newsletter subscribers."

7. Give people free software. Most people like to find good deals on software for their computers. If the software is free, that is even better. For example, you could say, "FREE Accounting Software!" Use the software for viral marketing. Just place your ad in the software and allow people to give it away.

Azwan Asmat is the author of The E-Com Blog. Subscribe to his newsletter and receive free proven tips for your online business every month! /ecomnewsletter

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