Friday, March 23, 2012

How to use Britney Spears to get more traffic to your blog - Search Engines - SE Tactics

Odd but effective this strategy is. How can you use Britney Spears to get more traffic to your blog you ask?? Easy, simply mention Britneyin your article, make her the subject of the article in regard to what ever you want to talk about. The important thing is that she be relative to the subject matter so that your intended audience is not upset at the fact that they were duped into coming to your site.Truth is you can do this with any subject or famous person. Simply write an informative article using them/that as the topic and you are off and running. Many super successful bloggers such as Perez Hilton use this tactic on a regular basis. True, they are writing smut most of the time but the search engine marketing aspect of the setup is undeniable. It works. In my case I'm telling you that there is a secret way to use BritneySpear's name to get more traffic. In effect this is true and "you" my target market (a reader who wants more traffic) is not worried about Brittany Spears per say, you are just looking for traffic. Like I said, you can use famous people, events, places etc. Anything in the news works and you can siphon off a good chunk of the traffic from the searches for that term/phrase.This technique is somewhat debated in the SEO community as far as how ethical the practice is but the fast is it works. Most practitioners tend to use the flavor of the day to pull it off in full effect, such as "Michael Jackson's Doctor" or "Lindsay Lohan". Just be careful to use these peoples names as a topic or in some sort of relevant way.I wish it was my idea but I'm sad to say I borrowed it, as soon as I find the link to the article I will post it, really good stuff. In addition, this is the first article like this I've done for this new blog so I will post my results in a month or so, that way you can track my results as well.Enjoy!


P.S. Check out other posts on our site about how to wake up early every day, how to change your life in 30 seconds and why you will never start a blog. Have fun and let me know what you think about the site!

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