Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Using Viral Marketing And PPC In Your Online Business - Marketing - Web Marketing

Are you having a tough time escaping the "rat race"? Is corporate America not paying you enough money to live the illustrious life that you want to live? If you answered "yes" to both of these questions, then you should know that the best way that to get out of both of these situations is with a job.

Now I'm sure you've probably heard of multiple ways to start your own business. If you've decided to start an internet business, and like the idea of affiliate marketing, this is a good avenue to take up. But there are some limitations to affiliate marketing, and before you can sell anything, you need to know how to get tons of people in front of your affiliate site.

To do this, you need website traffic. Website traffic is something that alot of beginners to internet marketing don't know how to do. They buy product after product looking for the big "Holy Grail" of traffic generation, without knowing that all you need to do is follow a simple daily marketing regimen.

Now if you stick with the tips in today's lesson, you should be getting website traffic simply and easily. It's not hard to do, it just requires patience and persistence. In fact, let's take a look at the first traffic strategy that you can use to boost your online sales and profits in your business:

1) Viral marketing

There are all kinds of forms of viral marketing. You have the ebook viral marketing strategy, the video viral marketing strategy, and even the "refer a friend" viral marketing strategy. All of these strategies work very well, and you should be using at least one of them in your business today.

The best viral strategy that I like is the free ebook strategy. With this strategy, you can to embed product and affiliate links into your ebook, and earn sales from it whenever someone clicks through and buy from any one of your links. To turn it viral, on the title page of your ebook, tell your reader that they have your permission to distribute your free ebook on their website - and all across the internet. Here's another traffic strategy that you can do:

2) PPC

PPC or pay per click advertising is a favorite amongst many online marketers. You get traffic quickly and easily, and you can get sales within a matter of hours depending on your advertising budget and cost per click. Typically the higher your cost per click, the more traffic you will get.

The premier PPC company on the internet is Google Adwords. There are many books on this service by Google, and alot of them have lots of good information in it. When you use Adwords, just make sure that you're making a profit, or at least breaking even. If you're just starting out, you have no idea of what the average lifetime value of a customer is. So until you can figure out this number, remain cautious with your PPC advertising campaign.

Both of these traffic strategies are excellent for getting you more sales and profits on a daily basis. The more you work on both of them, the more traffic you will stand to get, and the more opt-in subscribers you will get which will then result in sales. So use these techniques today.

Good luck with using these tips in your online business today.

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