The network marketing for many glasses enterprise first feeling is need a technical team to conduct work, so this idea that many have this aspect talent glasses enterprise flinch. The answer not also, network marketing is actually marketing network, the network as a marketing platform just.
Because on the network: glasses the ultimate business client does not change, Glasses enterprise product does not change, Glasses enterprise selling point does not change, the only change is marketing platform. Before glasses enterprise is in newspapers, radio, TV, magazines, terminal etc on the platform of advertising and marketing to make consumers understand brand, products and services, and to attract consumers to traditional terminal shop to buy their products.
The network marketing, is only a marketing platform for the Internet, glasses manufacturer in doing on the Internet marketing advertising to promote their brands, products and services, and then let customer directly into his shopping website or go to a traditional ground terminal purchase of his glasses products, so the essence of marketing just haven't changed.
So glasses enterprises do network marketing must know the nature of the web and the network marketing form. The current network marketing and include what kinds of form?
Search engine marketing is the most main website promotion meanses, especially based on natural search results search engine promotion, because it is free, so by numerous small and medium-sized websites' attention, search engine marketing method also become network marketing method system of main component. Search engine marketing main methods include: competitive rankings, classification catalogues login, search engine login, paid search engine ads, keyword advertising, search engine optimization (search engine rankings), natural address bar search, web links strategy.
Instant messaging marketing also called IM marketing, is glasses enterprise through immediate help glasses enterprise promotion tools IM products and brands, a kind of method of commonly used mainly has a kind of two kind of situations: the first kind, online communication, small and medium-sized glasses enterprises to establish a shop or enterprise website generally have instant communication online, such potential customers if the glasses product or service will naturally active and interested in online merchants contact. Second, advertising, and small and medium-sized enterprise may, through IM glasses marketing communication tools, released some glasses product information and promotion information, or can through pictures released some netizens popular expressions, and glasses enterprise to publicity logo.
Viral marketing is a kind of common network marketing method, used for website promotion, brand promotion, marketing using a virus type users reputation spread of principle, on the Internet, this kind "word-of-mouth dissemination" more convenient, can much like a virus spread quickly, so viral marketing (viral marketing) become a kind of efficient information dissemination way, and, because this is spread between users spontaneous, therefore is almost need not cost of Internet marketing tools.
Viral marketing of enormous power is like a little pebble into the calm lake, instant seem only arouses little ripple, turn the lake again instauration halcyon, but wait a minute, you will see corrugated in ongoing folds of extending, a few minutes, the whole lake are instrumental concussion. This is viral marketing charm.
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