Sunday, April 22, 2012

6 Reasons Why You Should Use Viral Video Marketing - Business

If viral videos are not a part of your marketing arsenal, you're missing out on a lot of traffic and potential customers. Viral videos have exploded onto the marketing scene as the popularity of social networking sites like MySpace, facebook, and bebo and video sharing sites like YouTube, Blip.TV, Revver & Viddler have quickly grown in popularity. The seemingly overnight success of these socialization networks have given birth to the newest, and perhaps most effective, form of marketing ever; the viral video. If you are not sure why you should look into using viral video in your marketing endeavors here are some good reasons.

Viral videos are cost effective.

Most of the popular viral videos cost very little to make, and in no other advertising media can you create an ad that reaches thousands if not millions of viewers for free. Just think, if you spend thousands of dollars developing a TV or print ad and it tanks, you have wasted thousands of dollars. If you create a viral video campaign that doesn't reach anyone, you have not spent a fortune on failure and trying again is still free and feasible because you did not initially blow your budget on a campaign that didn't work.

Just keep swimming, keep swimming...

Viral video is a unique form of advertising because it keeps on working. After a traditional advertisement runs, it is never seen again. A viral video, however, will live permanently on the internet and be seen long after it was released. This makes viral videos a very powerful type of marketing, because even the right video accidentally released on the internet can become viral and reach an audience of millions.

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Viral video is makes your advertising life easy. If you conceive a good video that is entertaining enough to go viral, it will market itself. Like the accidental videos that quickly reached viral status, a good video will need no help from you to reach many people. If you make a good viral video, after production and initial posting, all the work is done for you.


Viral videos are also very flexible forms of advertising. They can work for any company and in any environment. Even the most mundane fields can find humor in some aspect of their operations and can use this humor to create a viral video. They type of advertising you can do with viral videos can often times be more controversial or shocking than in other forms of advertising even if they don't cross taste boundary lines.


Unlike some other forms of advertising, viral videos allow you to get instant feedback in the form of web analytics and view feedback on you campaign unlike print, outdoor, TV and radio ads. Not only can you find out how many times your ad has been viewed, you can see how users responded to the ad via conversions, click streams and comments. This allows you to make changes to the campaign on the fly as needed to get the most effective use of the medium.


The last positive argument for viral videos is that they are extremely effective. One only has to do a quick internet search to find out how many times the most popular viral videos are viewed to find out that it is not uncommon for popular viral videos to have upwards of 100 million views. If getting this much attention for a low budget short is not effective, then nothing is! Granted that it may take a few tries before you find a video that really attracts the masses, there is nothing to lose and everything to gain if you implement a viral video marketing campaign.

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