Monday, April 30, 2012

Effective Tips For Viral Video Marketing - Internet - Video

As the name implies, Viral Video Marketing utilizes viral videos to promote a certain product or service. If we talk about viral videos, these are videos taken by either amateurs or professionals which have been passed from one viewer after another. The network will eventually grow in time and make it a very good venue to do internet marketing.

This method of internet marketing is very rampant because of the development of mobile video capturing technologies which allowed even beginners to venture in the field. You don't need a very expensive camera. In fact, a phone capable to shoot a video will do, as long as you follow these tips on how to do viral video marketing effectively.

Create A Very Interesting Video

A very interesting video is certainly a must. No one would want to spread a word about a boring one. Humorous and intriguing videos are very effective in this field.

You can also try informative ones which are also very good especially if they are first hand information. Moreover, you can relate your videos to the current trend. If a very famous movie just went out on the big screen, why not make a parody out of some scenes or create a review using a video?

Share Them to as Much Viewers Possible

This is an important factor; which is why you should post your videos on famous video-sharing sites. You won't get enough views if no one is visiting your host site in the first place.

You can also advertise your videos through basic SEO methods or introduce them on social networking site. Your main goal is to infect as much people with your viral videos to make each one of them a carrier as well.

Never Make it Offensive

One of the common mistakes of those who aim for viral video marketing is creating offensive videos. Humor is a plus but you should never go below the belt and exaggerate it to the point that most viewers will most likely be annoyed than entertain.

It is not a good idea to mention religion, or races in your humorous videos as some viewers might consider it a form of insult.

Update your Video List Regularly

You should post a viral video regularly. If you can't feed your viewers with constant interesting videos, it is most likely for them to forget that you still do exist. A weekly update is ideal to keep them interested and tuned in.

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