Sunday, April 29, 2012

Leverage Viral Video Marketing to Benefit Your Business - Business - ECommerce

Regardless of the size of your company, using video marketing to get your message out to your customers is a great way to get a lot of exposure for your company or produce really fast. When you create a message that is good enough to pass along to a friend, your marketing becomes viral, and then, just like a virus, it spreads exponentially. Here are ten ideas that you can use to make your message viral.

Video Marketing - Taking a Message Viral

1. One of a Kind - When you are the only one doing something eye catching, people will stop and take notice, and then they will tell their friends. You have to seize the moment and ride it for all that it is worth though, because if you really have a good idea, someone will imitate you soon enough.

2. Shocking - It is fine to create a one of a kind message, but it has to get someone?People will be interested if you shock them (tastefully). The trick here is to be shocking and remain tasteful.

3. Speak English - While it is great that you and all of your buddies in the industry speak your own language, but very likely your customer do not, so do not speak in shorthand, speak English.

4. Be Genuine - You can try to be cool, and that guarantees that you will not be. Be genuine, and if what you created is good, it will become cool on its own.

5. Be Brief - Most viral messages are short, sweet and to the point. You get a nice little jolt that may be funny or shocking, but it is over almost before it has begun. Your viral video should barely be an interruption to the person watching it.

6. Be Funny - Laughter is one of the most powerful medicines known to man. It makes you feel good. Because they like your message, people will send it to their friends.

7. Shoot for the Stars - Keep your audience interested by doing something they won't expect. Do something so surprising, so funny, so shocking, that people will have to watch your video just because they cannot believe their ears.

8. Be a Little Rough - Keep the quality of your video a little homemade looking. By not having your video look like a commercial, people will think that they have found a gem. Everyone loves to be the first one to discover something outrageous, so having your video look homemade lets them stumble upon a gem.

9. Be True to your Brand - While you are concentrating on being shocking and amazing, do remember that you have a reason for making the video, and that is to promote your business or product. So while you need to be amazing in your video, you also need to make your point and make it memorable.

10. Keep It Lively - Make sure that your video is full of action. Keep the talk to a minimum, and keep things moving. You want to give a good explanation of your business while keeping the momentum going.

All of these things will help your video marketing go viral, and soon enough everyone will be talking about your company or product.

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