Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Free Viral Campaign Marketing Resources To Help You Promote Your Website - Business - Business Ideas

One of the biggest challenges that many website business owners face is how to drive a lot of traffic to their site without spending a fortune.

This article is going to look at free viral campaign marketing techniques that any website owner can use to leverage their traffic generating efforts past traffic exchange clicking, article publishing, forum posting, and backlink building.

Keep in mind that these are all useful ways to drive traffic and should be part of your traffic building strategy. In this article we will focus on a few innovative programs that give you the leverage you need to market and advertise your website without costing you a lot of money.

What you also need are some strategies that will take your efforts and multiply them 100 or a thousand fold. Your goal should be to build up credits and then find ways that will virally multiply the amount of hits your website receives.

Here's how to do this. Make sure that every web page you promote promotes more than just one product or program. What you want to do is plug every page into one or more viral campaign programs to leverage the value of each visit that page receives. Every time someone visits that page, they will see a small ad for another program. Each time that ad is shown, you earn advertising credits for that viral program. As a result, your web page will be shown throughout that advertising system.

See how easy this is? This kind of viral campaign ad program can be plugged into your traffic exchange campaigns to multiply the value of each credit that you spend on each exchange. Or, you can simply plug these programs onto your web pages to earn credits when people visit your pages via organic searches or when they click on one of your links on the forums and article directories, and so on.

So, let's take a closer look at some of these programs.

1. Leon Klepfish's Hovering Ads

Leon Klepfish has developed a number of innovative programs to help Webmasters multiply the impact of their marketing programs. One of his more recent programs is Hovering Ads. Unlike popup ads, banner ads and sidebar ads, Hovering Ads are not fixed but "hover" to one side of the page as it is scrolled. This makes it very noticeable without intruding upon the visitor's ability to read the page content.

This program is easy to set up and is free to join at a basic level.

All you do is add a small piece of code to the web pages where you want the hovering ads to show. The ads that show on your page will be for other people's programs and you will earn credits each time one of those ads is shown on your site.

Hovering ads is very similar to a traffic exchange in that you can also earn credits by choosing to view other people's ads. There is also a referral program, and the more people you refer, the more credits you earn and the more times your ads are shown.

Hovering ads enables you to get your message out across hundreds or even thousands of other people's web pages.

Find out more about Hovering Ads at: hoveringads.com

2. Leon Klepfish's Header Ads

This is another advertising program from Leon that is free to join at the basic level. By adding a small piece of code to your web page, you will display other people's header ads on your site. In exchange, your own header ads will appear at the top of other member's websites, taking advantage of some prime website real estate which is not often properly utilized.

The more people you refer to the program, the more times your header ad will show through the network of websites.

Find out more about Header Ads at: headerads.com

3. Brett Ingram's Traffic Python

Traffic Python works by converting regular URL links to viral campaign advertising "Traffic Python Links." When you post a Traffic Python Link on a traffic exchange, instead of the original website URL, you earn viral advertising and web traffic every time your links are clicked. What happens is that when the web page downloads, a glide up ad appears at the foot of the page with another Python member's ad on it. You earn ad credits every time your Traffic Python links are shown, and in turn your Python ads are displayed across the Python network.

This is a free program and includes some great features such as link cloaking, downline building and e-mailing.

Find out more about Traffic Python at: trafficpython.com

4. Chris Masterson's Free Viral

This program has been around for quite a while now and has recently been redesigned, and more features are promised in the near future.

When you sign up, you receive a promotional website with six classified ads at the bottom. You get to write your own classified ad, which appears in the top spot on your Free Viral website.

When someone joins free viral via your website, their classified ad will be placed in the top spot of their free viral page, and your ad and the others below it will move down one place. The sixth ad on your site will not appear on your referral's website.

How does this bring traffic to your site?

When someone signs up via your website, they have to click on each of the classified ads on the page and retrieve an ad code from a bar at the top of each page. The code takes about ten seconds to generate, so for ten seconds your web page will be on show.

This is a completely free program. The program owner makes his money by sending out one promotional e-mail a week.

Find out more about Free Viral at: freeviral.com

Using viral campaign marketing programs such as the ones mentioned in this article is a great way of leveraging your website advertising without putting any extra strain on your marketing budget.

So, why not take advantage of these tried and tested free viral campaign marketing programs to get your message broadcasted more widely on the Internet?

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