Friday, April 27, 2012

Viral Marketing The Gurus Secrets Outed! - Internet

The Secrets of how to promote your business through viral marketing:

You will find that viral marketing is about marketing techniques that are meant to increase brand awareness, on the basis of pre-existing social networks. How it works is by means of self-replicating viral processes.

On the whole viral marketing is usually delivered through word-of-mouth or even enhanced by the network effects of the Internet and it is seen as a marketing "strategy", thus encouraging people to pass along a marketing message voluntarily.

This strategy starts from the premises that a satisfied customer always tells other people about a certain product/service they were satisfied with. I recently discovered this amazing resource /Home1.html which I found quite useful, underlining the skills necessary for a viral marketing campaign. It is something I highly recommend you at least take a look at as it can potentially be the difference between your viral marketing campaign succeeding or failing.

So what is the difference between viral marketing and word of mouth?

In the case of word-of-mouth marketing we tend to speak about people that share their opinions concerning a certain product or service with their family or friends. Since it implies the sheer act of conversation, the life span of these word-to-mouth campaigns is rather short.

On the contrary, when it comes to viral marketing, the main aim is to add a drop or two of personality. In order for your viral campaign to be successful, you must ensure that people really enjoy and feel good about spreading the message.

Viral marketing is described as a strategy by means of which people are encouraged to pass on a marketing message to other people. This kind of strategy follows the precise pattern of a virus, having the advantage of rapid multiplication.

Many people think that viral marketing and word-of-mouth are quite one and the same thing, but this theory in my opinion couldn't be more wrong. You see in the case of word-of-mouth, a marketer creates a message in some form or other and then, it's up to the customer to forward this to there friends and so on, while in the case of viral marketing, we are dealing with a compounding function, i. e. a marketer does creates a message in some form or other and the the customer spreads the news; to say five friends, whom, in turn, spread the news to another five friends and so on.

Maybe viral marketing has its roots in the word-of-mouth marketing, but it has grown stronger than the latter, becoming thus a reliable tool. This tool works best when the focus is strictly on the customer.

You need to pay attention though to the fact that viral marketing is not a marketing strategy. On the contrary, it is designed, conceived into a product even from the very beginning - it is inherent in the product. To better understand the mechanism of viral marketing, you must first understand the motivation behind the users behavior and then understand and exploit the resources to create viral loops. You see viral loop is basically a set of features that connects separate functions into a cohesive, strong urge for the user to pass on the message to others.

The resource mentioned above will help simplify this and give you a better understanding of it.

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