Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Is Viral Marketing A Good Way To Build My Traffic Business? - Marketing - Web Marketing

If you want to increase traffic to your website at a fast pace, then you may want to consider using viral marketing techniques on your website.

Sounds interesting, but what does it actually mean? Howdoes the process work, and can it really be effective andprofitable for normal businesses?

These are three important points to understand first, solet's begin...

A virus, in medical terms, is something that is able toself-replicate and duplicate it's genetic code to grow andspread. Once it does this, it becomes incredibly difficultto stop. This term has been used in the marketing niche andcalled 'viral marketing'. It was never really called that inthe days before the internet took off, but the idea stillapplied way back then.

Here is the process in a nutshell... you give something ofvalue to other people for free. The item being given awaymust have some link back to your business or product. Theitem that is given away is enjoyed by the people that useit, and in turn, they are encouraged to pass the product onto other people.

The chain of people passing it on self perpetuates, all thetime with your website being a core element of the giveaway.It means your marketing message or website can be seen by anumber of people that you cannot predict, and cannotcontrol.

If successful, a viral campaign can create a flood oftraffic which won't stop even if you wanted it to - amarketer's dream!

So, it sounds great doesn't it, but does it actually work?

The simple answer is that yes it can (and does) work, andwork very well - for some companies, viral traffic is themain source of traffic to their business websites.

You may choose to give away a product, a report maybe onthe subject matter of your market. You may choose to giveaway a service, maybe providing a neat twist to a softwareapplication. You may choose to use a video, and this canreally be exciting.

YouTube is one of the best examples of viral marketing thatworks well. Their videos are easily shared to other userseither online or through email.

You could make a short video about your subject, or evenscreen shots, and once you've uploaded it to You Tube,people have the chance to make comments on it. If you canstart an argument, you'll have people falling overthemselves to watch your video!

The video is free and easy to put on other websites, whichall encourages people to share the videos in anyway thatthey can.

Once the video is over, YouTube even offers the view theability to forward it to their friends by just clicking onesimple button.

This is almost too good to be true, but it is all there,and crushingly simple, quick and free to do, it just takessome of your time. Let's not make any false claims, thefirst few times you do it, you'll make mistakes and take abit longer to produce your video, but once you get thetechnique sorted, you can use video to go viral, and get ahuge amount more website traffic.

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