Monday, February 20, 2012

Make Your Online Video Marketing Go Viral - Business - ECommerce

Viral video marketing is a great way to get your business to the next level. Even though it is hard to predit which video will go viral, here are a few tips to help you create a marketing video that will be effective and viral ready.

Viral videos become big very quickly. From a marketing standpoint, they are like winning the lottery. Creating a video that goes viral is not an easy task, if it is even possible at all, but that does not mean that you should not try to pull in the elements found in successful viral videos and include them in yours. Even if your video doesn't go viral, it will be a good addition to your marketing efforts.

Benefits of Video Marketing

Videos allow you to sell your products in a different way than you would be able to in a brochure or newsletter. A message needs to be heard four or five times before it sinks in for your consumers. Reinforcing a message with a video clip just makes sense. You may send the same message through Twitter or other social media platforms; creating a video is a great way expance your marketing effort.

Videos help build your brand, and they let your customer get better acquainted with you. A video adds a literal voice to your message, and helps you stick in the minds of consumers. You also add the element of sound to your message, and that gives you just a little more staying power.

If you are looking for a way for customers and prospects can find you, videos can help. SEO strategy uses videos to boost ratings, because it adds another element to your website content, which helps you website be even more relevant to your topic.

With the newer equipment available today, virtually anyone can produce a video. You don't need too much experience to create a video, since it only needs to be a few minutes long. Keep things short, sweet and full of action, and if in doubt, start with the action. Find some spunky music to fill the background, and you have yourself a hit. Your video is another avenue for making your business message public.

So as you are creating your Internet marketing plan, make sure that you consider how excellent it would be to create a video and have it go viral. And while viral will probably not happen, creating an online video marketing plan is just another way to offer information about your product or service to your customers and prospects.

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