Monday, April 16, 2012

How To Get More Traffic - Business - ECommerce

Copyright 2006 Patric Chan

Are you using Paypal, or to accept credit card payments right now?

Wait. If you don't have a product to sell yet, please continue to read this article because it'll help you in the future.

I use 3 of them... but for different strategies depending on what I want to accomplish.

What most people did not realize is that, selecting certain credit card processing company can bring in more traffic to their website. I'll explain...

I use for my online niche sites because I want to leverage on getting affiliates to generate free traffic for me.

Because of the brand, is ALREADY well-known by many affiliate marketers as the "goto" place to find good products to promote.

Wham. You get free traffic.

See how selecting the company that collects your credit card payments can effectively increase your website traffic WITHOUT you doing anything else?

Yeah, Clickbank's fee is higher than most of the other companies. For me, I can't be bothered much about this minor 'lost'. I rather earn some money than NO MONEY at all. Besides, you're leveraging on's network for free. That's very good.

Another example is 2Checkout. It has its own 'shopping portal' at /

You can get traffic from there as well if your product is listed. I guess it'll work very well for tangible products because of the images. Don't ask me who will go there to buy, but people do buy from there.

It's hard to believe but I've received orders from 2Checkout's "shopping portal" before.

This small strategy can generate a lot of traffic for your website if it works out as planned. If it doesn't, you don't have to lose anything. I've been using a lot of 'hidden' strategies for my online businesses that have been responsible for their success today.

You see, the 'problem' with most website owners face when it comes to getting more traffic is that they are searching for new ways.

There's nothing wrong with that but it's so much easier to look for what are available in front of you.

Look around your online business. With a small tweak, you can easily increase your website's traffic... like changing the credit card payment system I've shared with you earlier.

When you're doing this, your main goal should be focused on one-time effort but continuous results without actively 'maintaining' it because you want to spend your time to look for more 'hidden' traffic techniques you can use instantly.

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