Monday, April 2, 2012

Viral Monopoly Review - Business

What Is Viral Marketing?The term Viral Marketing refers to the process of increasing brand awareness or achieving other marketing goals such as to create an increase in product sales. The main goal of marketers with the aim of making a successful mass advertising campaign is to create messages that may generally take the form of video, text messages or email that may be passed from one person to another. Viral marketing over the last few years has seen an increase in popularity within the marketing community generally due to the increasing power of the internet and the ease at which information can be passed from one person to another. Today, social networking sites such as Twitter and Youtube open up a whole new range of opportunities for the viral marketer due to the simple fact that it is now easy to find people that are interested in almost any subject imaginable. But now viral marketing is about to move to a whole new level with the launch of Viral Monopoly... What Is Viral Monopoly?Viral Monopoly is a software application aimed to help anyone at any level of marketing experience to create a profitable viral marketing campaign. Based on a viral marketing strategy used successfully by Justin Michie, Viral Monopoly is the end product of three years work to perfect this application. The software takes several marketing strategies and once set up automates the entire process of marketing and generating income via affiliate offers. There is no need to install any software! Just sign up for a Viral Monopoly account and fill in the fields online. You Don't need a website, domain or hosting! You Don't need a product to promote! You Don't need to produce video's or create any content!Viral Monopoly takes the best of most automated viral marketong techniques and after that some and packages them into one, stupidity simple to use push button software that harnesses the power or word of mouth marketing.Viral Monopoly is different. It's all setup to market affiliate offers, build a email list and pour in affiliate commissions automatically once you get it setup and running in minutes.The greatest part is that this is not like other programs out there where you need to buy domains and hosting and then build websites and drive traffic to them. You don't need to build any videos or write any content, that 95% of us are not comfortable doing. None of that.

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