How to get Viral Traffic
What is viral traffic?Before I explain how to get viral traffic, it would perhaps be helpful to explain exactly what viral traffic is. Viral traffic is a method of advertising propagation that grows exponentially.
To understand how to get viral traffic, you need to understand the magic of exponential growth. For example: Which is best, a million dollars, or one cent that doubles in value every day for thirty days? The answer is the one cent, because at the end of thirty days it would have grown to TEN MILLION dollars! - This happens because it is growing exponentially.Viral systems also work exponentially, and exponetial growth is the essence of how to get viral traffic
Example: How to get viral traffic for a movie.Suppose you see a particularly good movie and recommend it to ten of your friends, you have then informed ten people. Now suppose those ten people tell ten people each about the movie. You have now informed (10x10) one hundred people about the movie. If those hundred each tell ten people you now have a further thousand (10x100) people in the know. If they tell ten it becomes 10,000 people - then 100,000 people, then a Million and so on. and all this started because you told just TEN people.
How to get viral traffic to YOUR websiteIf you could set up a system that recommends your website to just five people -( people who would also like to know how to get viral traffic) knowing that they would recommend it to five people etc. you would pretty soon have more traffic than you could handle - Hundreds of thousands of hits from just five initial recommendations to people who would like to know how to get viral traffic. Passing your system onto five other people is easy because ALL Internet marketers would like to know how to get viral traffic.
How to get viral traffic - The good news You do not have to set up such a system because there are already many such systems on the internet just waiting for you to tap into them. Probably the best is FreeViralThis system is completely free to use, and it utilises a novel trick that guarantees that your website will be viewed by ALL the participants. It takes only minutes to set up, and once your website is locked in, it could continue to produce viral traffic for years to come.
So there you have it. You now know how to get viral traffic. Simply set up your free viral system, offer it to others who would also like to know how to get viral traffic and wait for your web counters to spin.
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