Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How To Produce Viral Content - Marketing

Having something, like content or a video, become hugely viral is the coolest thing to happen to an IM marketer. Having some kind of content that is popular and talked about on social media sites is a highly coveted event in the life of a marketer. This kind of viral event is known for producing incredible amounts of traffic to a website. Of course, nobody knows an exact formula for creating viral content. Most people generally think of it as making some kind of content that just blows people away - gets their attention - and then you put it out there as much as you can. Of course there are sometimes obscure products that suddenly find their way to the limelight as well. Have you ever thought, or dreamed, how you can achieve viral traffic? Keep on reading to learn what you can do to increase the chances of your content becoming a viral traffic machine.

Make sure your work is visible. Your created work is not enough. You need people to know it exists. One of the best ways to do this is to submit your work to the social bookmarking sites. Digg, Reddit and StumbleUpon are great (and free) services that you can submit your work to. People that are looking for the next "it" item are usually surfing these sites. In order to go from unknown to extremely popular only requires a few of these people to click on your links. Make sure that people can find you. It will be impossible to go viral if people have to search for your work.

Link yourself to someone incredibly popular.

Sometimes all it takes to get people's eyes on you is to write or create a video review of someone in your niche with a huge audience. If all goes well with that campaign, you could earn yourself some goodwill with a link to your content, or video, and that will bring you traffic. Ideally, you want to make your review excellent, or eye catching, so you gain favorable attention and hopefully that person's audience will give you their attention. If your content is really good, or interesting, your link could start spreading. And that's how you would achieve what's called, "going viral."

A backdoor trick for you to help make something go viral is to act like you're a clueless idiot about something.

Or, if you aren't a fan of shady tricks to get attention, you can admit your idiocy over something. Be different - admit you're not knowledgable about it and ask for people to help you. You will get far more comments on your work if you let your inherent idiocy on a topic be apparent to the people viewing or reading your work. Or, you can default to faking it and then say something totally off-base in your work. If you look for it, you'll notice that many IM marketers resort to that tactic a lot. Just be prepared to live with whatever it is you say. Creating work that goes viral can be challenging. This is because nobody knows what will catch a reader or viewer's attention. Purposely creating viral content is difficult for that reason. But you can always learn more, use any good tips you can find, and make the best content you know how to do.

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