Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Truth About Viral Online Marketing - Marketing - Web Marketing

There are a lot of misconceptions about online marketing virally, one being that it is easy to do and the other being that it is free. Neither of these ideas is true, and this is where a lot of people go wrong. In order to implement a successful viral marketing campaign, you need to first understand what viral marketing actually is.

Essentially, a viral online marketing campaign involves the creation of a compelling viral message. That message is then sent on, making it easy and desirable for users to continue sharing it in the process. A viral campaign can be shared amongst users through a number of avenues, including blogs, email, social networking and word-of-mouth. The viral campaign that you create could include anything from a video or an image to a social profile or a widget.

The aim of a viral online marketing campaign is to encourage users to share your message with their friends and family, creating a 'buzz' around your brand. Each time that your content is shared with a new person, this buzz is multiplied further. This creates a ripple effect and gives your viral campaign the required momentum to be passed on again and again.

When people assume that a viral online marketing campaign is easy and free to implement, they are neglecting to take into account the amount of time, effort and funds that goes into making a successful campaign. You cannot just make a video, upload it to YouTube and sit back while the hits roll in - you need to do a lot of research. Whilst a viral campaign may seem 'free' because the marketer makes use of YouTube, social networks and emailing systems (which are free), it is possible to spend thousands on concept creation and design and even execution.

But why do we need viral online marketing campaigns? In short, consumers have taught themselves to ignore traditional marketing methods. It has become increasingly easy to tune out print advertisements, billboards and television commercials. This has led marketers to look for alternative methods of getting their message across and getting exposure for their brand.

Online marketing virally works because users are trusting of people that they know. It isn't uncommon to find users who are wary of online marketers, as they are generally wondering what they are going to try and sell them. If the video or image is passed onto them by a family member, friend or associate, however, the user is much more likely to view the campaign and take notice of its message.

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