Friday, July 6, 2012

Blog Rush-How to Get More Traffic to Your Blog - Web 2.0 - Blogs

Anticipation. Anxiety. Excitement. This is what the Internet marketing world was experiencing when John Reese's Blog Rush finally hit the market. A great mind produces great products, and John Reese was definitely the man who could pull off history making products at the wave of his hand.

You see, John Reese isn't any ordinary man. On August 17, 2004 he made Internet marketing history by generating over one million dollars on the Internet in a twenty-four hour period. He did this without spending any money on advertising. If that isn't astounding, I don't know what is. The product: Traffic Secrets. You may have heard of it.

Fast forward to September 2007 and Blog Rush was unleashed unto the world. There wasn't a million dollar day for John this time because the product was and is absolutely free. However, five days into his product launch, Blog Rush had served over 40 million blog posts! Maybe John did have his million dollar day after all.

I know you are probably asking yourself why would the great John Reese create a free product, let alone one for blogs?

If you don't have a blog or if you don't know the power that blogs possess, let me explain briefly. Unlike a regular website, blogs are simply online journals that people update frequently. If you have relevant keywords and fresh content, your blog can rank higher than a regular static website.

Blogs are little to no cost, can create revenue for you and it also encourages a community atmosphere by encouraging your readers to leave comments to your posts. The search engines love blogs.

If you did a search right now on any search engine, you'll be surprised the number of blogs that come up.

The main problem that plagues websites, is the same one that plagues blogs: traffic. The disadvantages of a regular website is that there isn't a community surrounded by it and they aren't updated frequently, which are two of the main advantages blogs have over them and why they have become so popular.

With the creation of Blog Rush, John knew he could invent a way to play on the best characteristics of blogs. You see blogs usually have a certain topic or theme. People who are attracted to blogs that have a topic that interest them are more likely to return again and again.

The problem, however, is finding a way to make your blog stand out amongst the crowd and get people to your blog to begin with. The saying, If you build it they will come is true if people know you exist.

Blog Rush was meant to be the answer to getting traffic to your blogs. Blog Rush in a nutshell, is simply a blog syndication network that drives targeted readers to your blog for free. You simply attach a widget to your blog and your posts automatically get promoted on other Blog Rush widgets that have the same or related content as your blog.

Once you have your widget installed and you make a post on your blog, you'll get instant targeted readers if you have enough credits and if your post title is enticing enough to make readers click through to read your post.

To get your posts distributed in the Blog Rush syndicated network, you need credits.

You get credits by referring other people to Blog Rush. The more you refer and the more your referrers refer, the more your posts will show up in Blog Rush widgets around the network.

The network goes down ten generations of activity. This will give you a big distribution leverage to get a lot of exposure for your blog content on other similar blogs.

If you are constantly promoting Blog Rush and getting referrals then the amount of traffic you could receive is enormous. This is the kind of traffic that would take a huge amount of money and time to get.

The downside to Blog Rush, if there is one, is that those who have no trouble getting traffic to their blogs, will now get even more traffic because it was never an issue for them to begin with. The little guy, however, must be trying to get referrals to Blog Rush to get a place in the Blog Rush syndication network.

John is working on a remedy for this issue and will be introducing a bonus credit allocation that will benefit those blogs that get very little traffic.

If your goal is to get traffic to your blog, then having a Blog Rush widget on your blog is a smart decision.

No matter how you look at it, Blog Rush definitely levels the playing field so all bloggers can have a place in the lucrative blogging world. The key is knowing how to play it right and staying in the game long enough to reap the rewards.

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